I worship.

Haitham Al-hachicha
2 min readJun 6, 2020

I worship, I pledge loyalty to the kind of your breed
I worship, I obliterate all the stares that follow your steps with greed
I worry, I bleed, for the sake of making your peace
I worry I fear, I truly do, that I will never catch your pace
I ask, and I kindly plead, to honor me with an embrace.

Worrisome, your smile is, for I believe it’s a heavenly ticket to grace
I worry, thus I decimate all the glares that linger toward you with disease
Do you know that it gets me? Every time you set your voice free
I worship, I dream of the swiftness that follows your breeze
I worship, I blaze with haze before the blur within your eyes
At ease, my heart at ease, let her do with you as she pleases

Do you reckon? Are you aware that all of it makes me weary?
Yet… again I worship, I kneel and abide
And before your beauty, I shall cast everything aside
I shall strive in order for “us” to thrive
I shall derive from the bottom of the glide
In order to grow and take off toward your side
Filled with doubt, You may think I am
But let me let you on a secret, filled with desire, that I am

Ay, I choose to believe what your lies externalize
I was caught, I was brought into the court of hearts
I was condemned, I was acclaimed to hold the title of the damned
Guilty as charged, no need to demonize
Call me weak, call me a freak, for I wasn’t going to rationalize
You were set to reign over the hearts and the land of all minds
And oh! Your glitter, I never cease to idolize
Simply… you were set to mesmerize

You needed a follower, sorry my lady, I was set to conquer
I was set to aim and claim the hands of your kind
So either that or my very own demise…

